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The Pathway to Growth

If you have experienced working with a coach before, then you know that there are two keys to its effectiveness: 

  1. Having the RIGHT coach for you

  2. Your taking responsibility for your own growth and change. 


The Right coach is dependent first on what area of growth you are interested in, the coach's coaching experience in that area himself, and sometimes his or her work experience in that area. Secondly, it is dependent on the chemistry between the two of you. You can discover both of these with a good direct conversation. And if we see that I will not be the best match for you, I will be glad to recommend someone else who may be. 


And I can usually discern the second area of coachability in this same conversation. 


The uniqueness of my coaching includes my heart for others and willingness to go DEEP with my clients to discover the real barriers to growth in certain areas. Often heart change is the real key to behavioral changes leading to greater leadership effectiveness. 

And I will always pray for you and, if you are open to it, with you, for I believe God opens our hearts to the changes He wants in us.  

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Leadership Coaching: Service
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