• Are you serving together in deep relationship or holding business meetings?
• Lack of clarity of the roles of the Board and the Staff?
• Is the Board responsible for program or policy? What exactly are the definitions of those?
• Is the CEO or Pastor responsible for results or is the Board or are both?
• How much detail should be Board get into?
• Is there a difference between the role of the Board as a whole and the roles of the individuals on the Board as they serve in roles within the organization?
• Are your meetings too long?
• Does the CEO or Pastor feel supported and energized by his or her interaction with the Board or in conflict and frustrated?
We can help you modify your approach to leading and managing the organization, correct these issues, and accomplish results like these:
1. Clarify the roles of the Board, the CEO or Pastor, the Board members (Elders, Deacons, etc. in a church), and the individual Staff members
2. Clearly separate the overlap in the roles of the Board, CEO and Staff, in order to avoid duplication and free everyone up to execute well
3. Focus the Board more on specifying and measuring results and the CEO on the means (how to) of getting those results
4. Shorten Board meetings
5. Free up the Board members and the CEO to do what they do best
6. Create a partnership and true relational community among Board members and CEO. Learn to do “you mission and relationship” together
7. Can include implementation of Policy Governance™ if you determine that this is right for you. We would start with a model policy manual and work together to modify it to fit your organization.
You might want to begin with an Needs Analysis to assess where you are in a range or organizational health issues.